“Just Chill…” Your Brain Will Thank You!

“Just Chill…” Your Brain Will Thank You!

Why is it that some of us feel anxious or guilty at the thought of allowing our mind and body to unplug, wander and just simply laze & chill. The seventh “essential ingredient” of David Rock and Dan Siegel’s Healthy Mind Platter is “Down Time.”

Many of us now under stay-at-home containment have the perfect opportunity to create space for and develop a new healthy habit of intentional “non-focus” which allows us to relax and recharge our brains, restore physical, emotional health and motivation, increase productivity & creativity, reduce decision fatigue, and help us to consolidate memories and enhance our learning. Funny how we’re so concerned with recharging our electronics devices, we should treat our brains with the same luxury. Neuroscience research also shows that down time is a critical precursor for insights. Personally, I get my best ideas during a casual walk or jog, when I’m letting my mind wander, daydream and simply chill.

What will you do for “Down Time” this week?

I love this quick read by Beth Janes on why it’s important to schedule more down-time for our brains, read article here.