Get Up & Move: Physical Time

Get Up & Move: Physical Time

This week’s Healthy Mind Platter Essential post is dedicated to “Physical Time.” Developing a daily habit of aerobic activity helps our mental and physical health; promotes memory and learning, response speed, impulse control, ability to focus, while reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

I personally feel the benefits during and after a surf or run; I’m in a great mood after a rush of endorphins, and have found myself to be able to think more clearly, have a balanced response to situations, improve performance, not to mention getting a better nights sleep and reducing stress and anxiety – all touted by Heidi Godman, Harvard Medical School brain health research. Check out the article here.  

Juliette Tocino-Smith packs in a ton of great information for those looking to delve deeper into the impacts of exercise on the brain in her article: 10 Neurological Benefits of Exercise.

What new activities will you try out this week to invite “Physical Time” into your life and wellness journey?