Take a Virtual Peek out of Quarantine and Carve out “Connecting Time”

Take a Virtual Peek out of Quarantine and Carve out "Connecting Time"

Apropos that today’s Healthy Mind Platter Essential is “Connecting Time.” With the world hunkering down in self-containment, even more important to enhance your virtual social connection with others. Research shows taking time with loved ones & friends can improve our physical health & mortality, help us to better manage stress, confront challenges and maintain a positive outlook. Double the positive impact (when not in containment): meet with others outside and appreciate connection to the natural world around us as a learning from last week’s “walking meditation” post. These activities together are a powerful combination. The article I wrote for this post had been my perspectives as an expatriate & the impact and importance of “Connecting Time”, but I’ll save for a future post.

Love to invite you all to virtually peek out of containment: play & share creative ideas to “Connect” with your friends, family, and colleagues around the world.

I pledge to connect “live” with my Singapore colleagues who were expecting my arrival this week to catch up in person. It’s video happy hour coffee & cocktails. What will you do?

Check out this article by Dr. Emma Seppala: Connectedness & Health: The Science of Social Connection.